نرم افزارهای پزشکی

نرم افزارهای پزشکی

-PACS Systems

  • Complete DICOM Server (Store SCP, Query/Retrieve SCP).
  • Backup/Restore tools.
  • DICOM/Windows Print.
  • DICOM CD/DVDs creation, with incorporated viewer.
  • Report creation, and saving as DICOM SR.
  • Advanced Storage Management
  • Audio report and history attachment
  • Web Based full function viewer
  • Auto routing function

-Dicom Print Server

It receives images from DICOM modalities and prints them in a Windows paper printer. It is a high quality DICOM printing solution, rendering photographic quality Color or Grayscale images on paper.

-Web Viewer interface

An interface, connecting to any dicom server and presents the dicom image in any browser over any devices.

– Customized Software

Making any kind of software based on your request.